International Congress Renovabis

Having a Mission – Bearing Credible Witness.

Secularisation and religious indifference are growing in Europe. Yet, living a meaningful life is something that essentially all people strive for. However, for many, this seems achievable without reference to a higher power. How can the Christian message be positively perceived today?

Tuesday, 10 September 2024

Optional offer for the Corbinian Year

from 15:00

Guided tours through the Bavarian State Exhibition (optionally)
in the Diocesan Museum Freising in German and English,
start every quarter of an hour, last tour at 15:45
Duration: approx. 75 minutes, further information at: (in german)

from 16:30


and distribution of congress documents at the congress reception in the Asam Building


Dinner (Buffet)

in the Asam Building


Vespers in the Byzantine rite

in the parish church of St George in Freising (Marienplatz)
with Auxiliary Bishop Volodymyr Hrutsa, Archeparchy of Lviv/Ukraine and Auxiliary Bishop Wolfgang Bischof, Archdiocese of Munich and Freising
Vocals: Schola of the Collegium Orientale, Eichstätt

approx. 20:00

Opening of the exhibition „Icons against the War“

in the parish church of St George, followed by drinks, informal talks and a get-together in the parish hall of St George

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Venue: Asam Building

from 08:00

Registration and distribution of congress documents


Opening of the congress

by Rev. Prof. Dr Thomas Schwartz, Managing Director of Renovabis, Freising

Welcome and introduction to the congress

Welcome by Tobias Eschenbacher, Mayor of the City of Freising
Introduction to the Corbinian Year by Dr. Theresia Reischl, project manager for the Jubilee of the diocese


Will the Son of Man (still) find Believers when He returns? (cf. Lk 18,8) Understanding the Faith and Church Crisis in Europe
Keynote speech by Prof. Dr. Detlef Pollack, Sociologist of religion at the University of Münster

Subject: „Life without God? Causes and Background of the Current Faith and Church Crisis in Europe“

  • Moderation: Sabine Winkler, SWR, Stuttgart


Highlights on Religiosity, Faith and the Church in various Central and Eastern European Countries
  • Prof. Dr. Bojidar Andonov, former Head of the Department of Systematic and Practical Theology, University of Sofia/Bulgaria
  • Sr. Lindita Spaqi, directress of Loyola-Fillore, Prizren/Kosovo
  • Marta Titaniec, St Joseph Foundation of the Polish Bishops' Conference, Catholic Intelligence Club, Warsaw/Poland
    followed by a panel discussion


Coffee break


What now, Church? – Mission in the Tension between Universal Mandate and Concrete Living Conditions
  • Pastoral Care in the Face of Emptiness. Challenges and Perspectives of Future Christianity in Europe – Keynote speech by Prof. Dr. Jan Loffeld, Pastoral theologian at the Tilburg Uni-
    versity, Utrecht/Netherlands
  • The Czech Republic as a Laboratory of Secularisation and a Place of Christian Hope – Keynote speech by Prof. Dr. Tomáš Petráček, Church historian at the University of Hradec Králové/Czech Republic


Lunch (buffet) in the Asam Building

Coffee, tea and cake


Dialogue groups on various topics (venues to be announced)
  1. Healing and Salvation – The Therapeutic Dimension of Religiosity – with Father Andrij Rak CSsR and Prof. Dr phil. Dr med. Gabriele Stotz-Ingenlath

  2. Search for Silence and Contemplation: Method, Time-out, Lifestyle? – with Rev. Imre Rencsik, Sr. Ursula Hertewich OP and Sr. Zsuzsanna Beáta Mikusi OCD

  3. „Influencers in the name of the Lord“ – Church and media communication – with Prof. Viktor Khroul and Fr Lukas Boving OSB

  4. Going to the Edges – Calling and Testimony of Faith in Social Commitment – with Sr Prioress Dr Katalin Ágnes Juhász OPraem and Father Stanko Perica

  5. Raising your Voice in Concern for the Common Home – The Prophetic Dimension in the Commitment to Environmental and Climate Protection – with Nataliia Kulya and Andrea Rückert

  6. Young People as the Future of the Church? Desires and Reality for the Path to Faith – with Maria-Theresia Kölbl and Rev. Paul Popa


Eucharistic celebration

at Freising Cathedral


Dinner (buffet)

in the Asam Building


Theatre, panel and discussion on the topic „Where is God today?“

Public evening event in cooperation with the Domberg-Akademie Freising in the Asam Building
We all want to lead a successful life. For many people today, this is possible without reference to a higher power and religious practice. Scenes from a theatre play lead us to the questions of what role religion and faith play today, in order to survive in this world full of crises, and where God can still be sought and found today. We talk to guests from church, society and culture from East and West about resources for meaning and hope.

  • Dr. Yasemin El-Menouar, Senior Expert Religion, Values and Society at the Bertelsmann Stiftung, Head of the project „Religion Monitor“, Gütersloh
  • Michaela Burch, freelance wedding and funeral speaker, Landshut
  • Bischof Dr. Tomáš Holub, Pilsen/Czech Republic
  • Christian Springer, Cabaret artist, Munich
  • Moderation: Dr Claudia Pfrang, Directress of the Domberg-Akademie, Freising

approx. 21:00

Opportunity to meet and talk informally over a drink in the foyer of the Asamtheatre

Thursday, 12 September 2024

Venue: Asam Building


Opportunity to attend a mass in Freising Cathedral and in the Pallotti-Haus
(Concelebration option for bishops and priests)

from 08:30

Registration and distribution of congress documents at the congress reception in the Asam Building


Spiritual impulse of the day


Reports from the previous day's dialogue groups


Keynote speech by Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, Rome/Italy

Subject: „Crisis and Future of Christianity in a Globalised World“


Panel discussion with audience participation

„For it is in Hope that we are Saved“ (Rom 8,24) – Future Prospects for the Church and the Christian Faith in Europe

  • Archbishop Dr Gintaras Grušas, Vilnius/Lithuania
  • Archbishop Dr Heiner Koch, Berlin
  • Dr Doris Reisinger, Würzburg
  • Sr Dr Marie Pavlína Kašparová OP, Brno/Czech Republic and Cambridge/Great Britain
  • Moderation: Prof. Dr Claudia Nothelle, Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences, Magdeburg/Berlin


Coffee break


Continuation of the discussion


Closing words

by Rev. Prof. Dr. Thomas Schwartz, Freising


Lunch (buffet)

in the Asam Building

approx. 13:30

End of the congress