
International Congress Renovabis

The International Congress Renovabis is a 2-3 day long conference event with participants from all over Europe. It serves to inform and discuss important developments in church and society in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe.

23rd International Congress Renovabis

The 23rd International Congress Renovabis took place on the 11th and 12th September 2019 and focused on the subject „The Urban Church. Challenges in Providing Pastoral Care, both East and West“.

The ecclesiastical landscape in Central and Eastern Europe has changed considerably since the beginning of the 20th century. Previously, ecclesiastical life took place predominantly in rural areas within classical parish structures. Since then, industrialization and rural exodus have given rise to many big cities in which profound changes took place in the 20th century as a result of war, communist rule and the upheavals 30 years ago. Today, especially the big cities are characterized by increasing secularization. The churches have responded to the developments by designing new forms of pastoral care. Lectures, panels and working groups compared these experiences in East and West and intoduced new approaches.

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About the Congress

To bring up topics of pan-European importance: this is one of the tasks of the Renovabis congresses. Over the years, the event has developed into an important forum for dialogue between participants from Eastern and Western Europe. Greetings were addressed to the congress by Pope Benedict XVI, representatives of the Orthodox and Protestant churches, Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel, the Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Dirk Niebel, and the Prime Ministers of Bavaria, Horst Seehofer, Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann, Rhineland-Palatinate, Kurt Beck.

International Congress Renovabis: Overview (in german)

Pfarrer Dr. Christian Hartl
11.09.2019 · Rückblick
23. Internationaler Kongress 2019
Der 23. Internationale Kongress Renovabis fand am 11. und 12. September 2019 zum Thema „Kirche in der Großstadt. Herausforderungen für die Pastoral in Ost und West“ in München statt.
26.09.2018 · Rückblick
22. Internationaler Kongress 2018
„Erinnerung und Aufbruch - Wege zur Versöhnung in Europa“: unter diesem Titel stand der Internationale Kongress 2018, der erstmals in Berlin stattfand. 253 Frauen und Männer aus insgesamt 26 Ländern nahmen daran teil.
Wehende Europafahne vor Gewitterhimmel, die Sonne strahlt hinter Wolken hervor.
21. Internationaler Kongress 2017
Der 21. Internationale Kongress Renovabis fand vom 6.-8. September 2017 zum Thema „Die Krise als Chance für Europa! Die Verantwortung der Kirchen“ in München statt.
Blick auf das Schlusspodium beim Internationalen Kongress Renovabis 2016
20. Internationaler Kongress 2016
Im Mittelpunkt des 20. Renovabis-Kongresses stand die Rolle und Tätigkeit der Orden in den heutigen Gesellschaften in Mittel- und Osteuropa.
Hände halten eine Zeitung
Aktuelle und frühere Medieninformationen

Documentation of the Renovabis International Congresses

The presentations and reports of the Renovabis International Congresses are summarised in documentations which can be obtained from the Renovabis office (e-mail: or downloaded below as PDF files (in german). The volumes of the 2016-2018 Congresses will be published in 2019.

Documentations (in german)

Content created: 05.12.2019, last modified: 03.04.2024

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